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Formed in 1990, the Age Anaesthesia Association is a collaboration of health professionals from anaesthetic, surgical and medical backgrounds with the shared mission of attaining age-equal access to and improved outcomes for older people undergoing surgery.


The aged population is growing. By mid-2039, more than 1 in 12 of the population is projected to be aged 80 or over, equal to just under 6 million people[1]. The clinical relevance of this success story is that more people are living with a combination of frailty and potentially treatable conditions requiring surgery. 


Patients with cognitive impairment, functional dependence and multiple organ dysfunction are now core business within most surgical departments and this poses new clinical challenges which our traditional divisions of work are unfit to meet.

Our mission is to make elective and emergency surgery as safe and effective as possible for the average older patient who is likely to present with a number of medical conditions alongside their surgical diagnosis. The creation of consistently better services requires an improved understanding of the benefits, risks and burdens of surgery for the individual patient in front of us. Through shared learning, clinical research and service development we aim to bring together the expertise of all relevant disciplines to meet current obstacles and define future challenges.


To achieve this ambition, Age Anaesthesia collaborates with the Hip Fracture Perioperative Network, the Emergency Laparotomy Network, the British Geriatrics Society and the AAGBI.

So why not join Age Anaesthesia today? Your subscription will allow you to access the members' secure area, and gives you discounted registration fees for future meetings.

[1]National Population Projections: 2014-based Statistical Bulletin

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